Smarta och vettiga människor tycker som jag


Det här inlägget är ett strålande exempel på hur vi gillar att lyssna på folk som tycker precis som vi själva:

Operativsystemet vi fått från Google

Här är det rent av så att diskussionsgrupper, hemsidor m.m. inriktade mot Microsoft Windows där andra åsikter än mina oftare finns läser jag troligen inte i representativ utsträckning.

Låt mig här peka på denna studie: Feeling Validated Versus Being Correct: A Meta-Analysis of Selective Exposure to Information. Eller för att citera från pressmeddelandet:

The researchers found that people are about twice as likely to select information that supports their own point of view (67 percent) as to consider an opposing idea (33 percent). Certain individuals, those with close-minded personalities, are even more reluctant to expose themselves to differing perspectives, Albarracín said. They will opt for the information that corresponds to their views nearly 75 percent of the time.

The researchers also found, not surprisingly, that people are more resistant to new points of view when their own ideas are associated with political, religious or ethical values.


Certain factors can also induce people to seek out opposing points of view, she said. Those who may have to publicly defend their ideas, such as politicians, for example, are more motivated to learn about the views of those who oppose them. In the process, she said, they sometimes find that their own ideas evolve.

Notera det jag gav fet- och kursiv-stil. Detta är orsaken till varför fri diskussion på internet är oerhört värdefullt.

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