Smart grid: Arkitektur & koncept från hela världen sammanställt


För att citera första stycket av sammanfattningen:

"The objective of this report is to compile various smart grid concepts, architectures and details of associated technologies implemented worldwide. The survey is based on initiatives taken by EU and IEA (e.g. ETP, EEGI, EERA and IEA DSM) and description of projects conducted in Europe and US (e.g. FENIX, ADDRESS, EU-DEEP, ADINE, GridWise and SEESGENICT). The report presents drivers, visions and roadmaps to develop smart grids in US, China and India. The survey encompasses various smart grid concepts, i.e. development of virtual power plant, active demand in consumer networks, DER aggregation business, active distribution network and ICT applications to develop intelligent future grids."

Från: Survey of smart grids concepts worldwide (PDF)

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